lunes, 23 de octubre de 2017


"Do" and "make" are two verbs that are frequently confused in English. Both can be translated as "to do", but there are some differences in their meaning. In general, "do" considers the action more, while using "make" we refer more to the result of the action.

"Do" is used for actions, activities and jobs. It is used in a broad sense, as to "perform". In general, these actions and activities do not produce a physical object.


The students are doing the assignments. 

"Make" is used in the sense of "manufacture", "elaborate" or "create". It is used for activities that create something that can be touched, a physical object.


She likes to make her own clothes.

There are many expressions that use "make". In many of these, the meaning of "make" is not "manufacture" or "do" and very often "do" seems more appropriate, but they are established expressions, so you have to memorize them.

Make and Do can be confused because their meanings are so similar. You should learn to distinguish them.

I will give you more information in a short video: CLIC HER FOR WATCHING

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