domingo, 22 de octubre de 2017


Like, alike, unlike and dislike sometimes are confused because they look so similar but they have many different uses.

1) Like and alike
John and Tom are alike.
John and Tom worked in a like manner.

As you see like and alike are adjectives that have similar meaning.

Alike is a predicate adjective, so we can only use it after a linking verb.

Like is used immediately before a noun so it is an adjective form.

2) Like and unlike

John is like Tom.

John is unlike Tom.

Here both words have opposite meanings, they are working as prepositions so they must be followed by objects.

The prepositions like and unlike can also be used at the beginning of a sentence.

3) Like and dislike

John and Tom like the course.

John and Tom dislike the course.

Here both words are written as verbs, so they are used with subjects.

For more information about this skill watch the following video: CLIC HERE

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