martes, 31 de octubre de 2017


As you know a predicative adjective modifies  the subject of the sentence , so it appearsafter a linking verb such as the verb ''Be''. It cannot appear directly in front  of the noun that it describes.
I'm going to show you some examples: 

The snake on the rock was alive. CORRECT

The alive snake was lying on the rock. INCORRECT

we are going to anilez that In the first example, the predicate adjective alive is used correctly after the liking verb was to describe the subject snake. In the second example, the predicate adjective alive is used incorrectly in front of the noun snake. In this position, the adjective live should be used.

Predicate adjectives                         Forms used in front of noun

Alike                           ---like, similar
Alive                           ---live, living
Alone                         --- lone
Afraid                         --- frightened
Asleep                         --- sleeping

A predicate adjective appears after a linking verb such as be. It cannot appear directly in front of the noun that it describes.

If you want to know more about this skill and grammatical rules, watch the following video: CLIC HERE

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