miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017


We have to understand that prepositions are not only used to show time or place because they are also used in combination with verbs, adjectives, nouns, and in many common set expressions. We cannot list all prepositions, but some important groups are:

1. Verb + Preposition
    depend on lead to

2. Adjective/Participle + Preposition
    surprised at famous for

3. Noun + Preposition
   example of possibility of

4. Other Combinations with Prepositions
     as a result of in addition to

5. Prepositions of Time and Place
     on May 16 in Washington

6. Prepositions in Common Expressions
    at present in general.


"The game was called on because of rain"

In this example, "on" is an incorrect preposition. The preposition must be "off" (Called off means canceled) to make sense of the sentence.

If you want to Learn more about this skill, Watch the following video:CLIC HER FOR WATCHING

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