martes, 24 de octubre de 2017


Sometimes a necessary preposition has been omitted from a sentence in written expression questions on the TOEFL test.

      For example:

X Can you wait me after the game?

✔ Can you wait for me after the game?

Sometimes a necessary preposition has been omitted from a sentence in the Written Expression section of the TOEFL test.

Can you wait me after the game.
It should be: wait for me

• Sometimes an incorrect preposition is given in a sentence in the Written Expression section of the TOEFL test.

The game was called on because of the rain.
 It must be called off – (canceled)

I knew I could count in you to do a good job.
It must be count on someone

This is an useful skill that we can apply when we are in the TOEFL test, because it is very important to know about prepositions and some difference that can exist.

If you want to learn and practice more about this skill, you can watch the following video: CLIC HERE FOR WATCHING

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