sábado, 11 de noviembre de 2017


We should become familiar with expressions of agreement, because there are short dialogues that usually contain those kind of expressions. These are expressions that show agreement with a positive statement (one that does not have not or ’nt in it):

• So do I. So did I. So can I. etc.
• I do too. I did too. I can too. etc.
• Me too. (This sounds more informal.)

For example:

(Woman) I think that lecture was really boring.

(Man) So do I! It was so dull!

When we agree with a negative statement (one that uses not or ’nt), we can say:

• Neither do I. Neither did I. Neither can I. etc.
• I don’t either. I didn’t either. I can’t either. etc.
• Me either. (This sounds very informal.)

For example:

(Woman) I don’t think that homework was difficult.
(Man) Neither do I. It was pretty easy.

On the recording you hear: 

(Man): I think that the hypothesis is indefensible.
(Woman): So do I.
Narrator: What does the woman mean?

This are the possible answers: 
    A. She is unsureabout the hypothesis.
    B.The hippopotamus is behind the fence.
    C. She thinks that the hypothesis can be defended.
    D. She agrees with the man.

As you see in the conversation, there is an expression that shows agreement ''So do I'', so the woman means that she agrees with the man. therefore the correct answer is D

If you want to practice more about this skill watch the following Video: CLIC HERE TO PRACTICE

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