miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017


The important idea to remember about wishes is that a wish implies that the opposite of the wish is true. Speakers sometimes say, “I wish…” This implies that the wish is impossible. If I say “I wish I could swim,” it implies that I can’t swim. (Wish is different than hope. Wishes are not true. Hopes might still come true.)


On the recording, you hear:

(woman) It’s too bad that you have to stay here and work during the school break.

(man) I really wish I could go with you and the others to Palm Springs.

(narrator) What does the man mean?

In your test book, you read:

(A) Maybe he will go with the others on the trip.

(B) He is unable to go on the trip.

(C) He’s happy to be going on the trip.

(D) He’s going on the trip, but not with the others.

Answer (B) is correct. If the man wishes he could go, it implies that he can not go.

If you want to practice more about this skill watch the following Video: CLIC HERE FOR WATCHING

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