domingo, 12 de noviembre de 2017


Negatives can be used with comparatives in short dialogues.  A sentence with a negative and a comparative has a superlative, or very strong meaning.


Woman: What do you think of the new student in math class?

Man: No one is more intelligent than she is.

(Narrator) : What does the man say about the new student?

Possible answers:

    (A)   She is not very smart.

    (B)   He is smarter than she is.

    (C)   Other students are smarter than she is.

    (D)  She is the smartest student in the class.

As we can see, the man responds with the negative NO and the comparative More intelligent, and this combination has a superlative meaning, the smartest. Answer D is the correct answer. 

If you want to learn more about this skill, watch the following video: CLIC HERE To watch the video.

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